Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lesson Plan Checklist

I'm sure that this blog will be filled with checklists! The main purpose of this blog is to help me to get organised and prepared for my up coming prac. Once I start prac in 2 weeks I will start to post about my own personal experiences.

Let me know if there is anything else you would add to this list?

Lesson Plan Checklist:

*Are the objectives specific and written in terms of what children can do?

Warm-up Activity / Motivation:
*Will the motivation intrigue, excite, and engage children?

* Keep the activity within the 10-15 minute period.
* Are my activities directly related to the objectives?
* Are all objectives addressed?
* Have I established clear measurable criteria for student performance?

Prior Knowledge:
* Do the children posses the background knowledge necessary to complete this activity successfully?
* Have I described how I will provide the children with that knowledge if they lack this knowledge,?
* Will I connect this activity a prior activity or help children to share background knowledge meaningfully?

* Have I fully explained how the lesson is to be taught in a sequential manner?
* Are my instructions detailed enough that someone could pick up my plans and implement the activity?

* Have I described a means of moving to the next activity that is a learning tool?

* Have I included a clear description of how I will review the main points of the lesson?

Materials/ Resources:
* Have I considered ALL of the materials I need to implement this plan?
* Will I need special visual aids or special equipment?

Modifications for Diverse Learners:
* Have I suggested suitable modifications for diverse learners with or without an identified special need?

Supplementary Activities:
* Have I described appropriate activities related to this one that the children could do if they finish early?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.