Thursday, April 12, 2007

Follow on from the Icebreaker Activity

After reading "The First Year" by Kristi Johnson Smith -- I was thinking maybe I would implement her "Getting to know you" activity. Do you think this is better than the True/False icebreaker activity?

Title: Getting to Know You


You are all amazing people, and I am eager to learn more about each of you. Please help me do so by completing the following handout.

Section I

Please answer questions 1-6.

1. Do you have brothers or sisters? If so, how many?

2. What is your favorite activity?

3. What is your least favorite activity?

4. What is your favorite school subject?

5. Have you been involved (or are you hoping to become involved) in any school activities (clubs, sports, etc.)? If so, which ones?

6. What is your favorite type of music?

Section II

Please complete the sentences below.

7. On the weekends I like to…

8. Someone I admire is because…

9. If I could go anywhere for a day, I would go…

10. I learn the most when the teacher…

11. I learn the most when I…

12. I don’t like it when teachers…

13. I don’t like it when I’m asked to…

14. After high school, I will probably…

15. My ideal job would be…


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