Sunday, July 8, 2007

Cooperative Learning Strategies

Following are some Cooperative Learning Strategies:

Numbered-heads together

Students form groups
Groups members are assigned numbers
Review questions in numbered group
All discuss
Instructor calls out number to get answer
Group member with that number responds to question oral or written.
Helps resolve free-rider problem
Think in Pairs

Idea Exchange
Meet with second group (total of 4) and continue exchange
Combine groups (total of 8 individuals) for even more exchange

Forms groups
Rebreak by numbers
Learn group information
Go back to home group and explain what you learned
Round Robin Approach

Open ended discussion
Everyone talks (round robin)
Two main roles - recorder, presenter
3-Minute Review

Group discussion of the topic presented
Present questions to group/instructor
3-step Interview

Interview each other
Present the others view to class or introduce each other

Monday, July 2, 2007

Yr. 9 SOSE Reflection

Strengths and Needs to improve:

* Connectedness -- creating interesting activities. Using interesting techniques to motivate and get students interested in the topic.

* Highly organised and prepared -- I created lesson plans which were flexible to the needs of the students in the classroom. I also worked well with other teachers teaching the same unit -- to share my resources, discuss any difficulties the students encountered, discuss the time management of the unit, I created a student assignment checklist and explanation on how to prepare and present an oral presentation, which all of the teachers used etc.

* Relate to students -- I feel that I have worked well with the students to understand their individual needs and abilities. I have helped those students with learning difficulties by pairing them up with students of a higher ability during group activities. I also did this with those students who have the tendency to misbehave -- I paired them up with students who are going to concentrate to complete the work.

* Behaviour Management -- to begin with this class was very challenging. My supervising teacher informed me that even an experienced teacher would find this class difficult to manage. I think that I was better able to control the class when my confidence increased as a teacher and I implemented better behaviour management strategies, such as writing their name on the board as a first warning and a x next to it would be a detention. Students need teachers to be fair and consistent with discipline. From this class I learnt that I only takes one or two students who can influence and distract a number of students around them. I think in the future that I will be more proactive in moving those students at the beginning of the lessons before they distract other students.

I would like to say that with this class I could use "positive reinforcement" to create better behaviour however, with this particular class I feel that it would only work to a certain extent and not well enough to control and teach the class. I do however use positive reinforcement with the class when dealing with the academic side however I do also need to recognise good behaviour, which is something I will endeavour to do in the future.

* I feel that I need to improve my ability to cater for different learning abilities, particularly those with literacy learning difficulties.

Yr. 10 History Reflection


• Connectedness with students -- use of The Simpsons episode to get students thinking about the Cold War, particularly definitions capitalism and communism.
• Interesting, insightful and motivating resources -- half the class watched the real education video “Duck and Cover”, which was played in American schools from the 1950s to the 1980s, while the other half looked at brochures informing people about what to do if a nuclear bomb occurred. We then had a class discussion regarding: What was the intended purpose of "Duck and Cover" and the brochures when they were first made? What was your reaction to the film or brochure? Compare and contrast the intended purpose with your reaction to it. The students were genuinely interested, as they were able to imagine themselves in the same situation as people living during the Cold War. This in turn enabled them to better understand how and why people felt threatened by the possibility of a nuclear strike.
• Behaviour Management Strategies -- set out the rules of my classroom and made it clear that students are to follow these. I feel that I have been in control of the class and the students have respected me in this role. Despite the fact that I had developed relationships with the students before hand, I feel the students have respected me as a teacher and a person in authority. Both of which I feel is a result of my behaviour management strategies.

Areas I need to improve:

• Content knowledge -- as I was not completely familiar with the Cold War before I began preparing for this unit, I now realize that as a history teacher I must continually be reading and improving my own knowledge of history.

Week 6 & 7: Reflection

In the finally weeks of my prac I was heavily involved in designing, setting and marking exams for all of my classes.

In week 6:

I marked Yr. 9 SOSE oral presentations

Marked Yr. 11 Modern History essays and taught a lesson introducing the new topic of the Cold War.

Marked Yr. 10 Modern History response to stimulus papers.

Marked Yr. 8 English oral presentations.

In week 7:

I taught two Yr. 8 English classes. I taught a short unit on "pirates", which I created and designed. I had them vote for a captain, analyze the symbolism in pirate flags and deign their own flags. We read a few articles about modern day pirates and then had them compare "Hollywood pirates" and "modern day pirates." There were also a number of other activities related to this unit. I felt that the students really enjoyed the activities and topic. I also think that this shot unit has the potential to be extended to a full history unit where students could research historical pirates or an English unit in which students would study "Treasure Island."

As far a teaching this class: I found the students a delight to teach. I feel that the behaviour management strategies, which I developed earlier in my prac better enabled me to teach the class.

In the final week I also taught a Yr. 9 SOSE class. I taught a short unit on food. I had students compare two pictures of a typical American family food consumption to a Mexican family. I had them look at the geography and economic issues. We then focused on advertising strategies and techniques used to advertise food items. I had them analyze food advertisements and then create their own ad. We then looked at techniques used to photograph food. To conclude the short unit we looked at poverty and compared assess to food in first world verses third world.

I think the students really enjoyed this unit practically the sections in which we looked at brand names, brand recognition and advertising strategies. I really think one of the keys to teaching is to make sure you connect with the students -- Connectedness!