Monday, July 2, 2007

Week 6 & 7: Reflection

In the finally weeks of my prac I was heavily involved in designing, setting and marking exams for all of my classes.

In week 6:

I marked Yr. 9 SOSE oral presentations

Marked Yr. 11 Modern History essays and taught a lesson introducing the new topic of the Cold War.

Marked Yr. 10 Modern History response to stimulus papers.

Marked Yr. 8 English oral presentations.

In week 7:

I taught two Yr. 8 English classes. I taught a short unit on "pirates", which I created and designed. I had them vote for a captain, analyze the symbolism in pirate flags and deign their own flags. We read a few articles about modern day pirates and then had them compare "Hollywood pirates" and "modern day pirates." There were also a number of other activities related to this unit. I felt that the students really enjoyed the activities and topic. I also think that this shot unit has the potential to be extended to a full history unit where students could research historical pirates or an English unit in which students would study "Treasure Island."

As far a teaching this class: I found the students a delight to teach. I feel that the behaviour management strategies, which I developed earlier in my prac better enabled me to teach the class.

In the final week I also taught a Yr. 9 SOSE class. I taught a short unit on food. I had students compare two pictures of a typical American family food consumption to a Mexican family. I had them look at the geography and economic issues. We then focused on advertising strategies and techniques used to advertise food items. I had them analyze food advertisements and then create their own ad. We then looked at techniques used to photograph food. To conclude the short unit we looked at poverty and compared assess to food in first world verses third world.

I think the students really enjoyed this unit practically the sections in which we looked at brand names, brand recognition and advertising strategies. I really think one of the keys to teaching is to make sure you connect with the students -- Connectedness!

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