Monday, April 30, 2007

Great Advice

One of my amazing teacher just give me some great advice and I thought I would share it with you.

1. Good behaviour management starts with good planning and pedagogy. If you get them in they are less likely to misbehave.

2. You need a relationship with the following qualities - respectful, fair and consistent. Do not be overly friendly. They have friends. You are their Teacher!

3. Work towards them trusting you.

4. Give them opportunities for success - in what ever way you can. Constant failure leads to misbehaviour.

5. If they think you are unfair, fake, boring, sarcastic, cruel, a bully, disorganised, ill-prepared or inflexible you are making life hard for yourself.

6. Do not humiliate kids in front of their peers. If a kid is doing the wrong thing, have a quiet word so others are not listening, take the kid aside or outside, talk to them at at lunch - if you make an enemy you create a problem.

7. Do not accept unacceptable behaviour. Draw a clear line in the sand. Demand kids are polite and repectful.

8. Do not be too familiar, particularly with kids who are new to you - in time they will want a closer relationship - do not hurry this.

9. Have honest conversations with your suppervisors - but do not open up too much with other members of the staff - show confidence - fake it until you make it!

10. Detentions are a poor tool in changing behaviour. If it is needed use the time to talk and build a relationship, not to punish.

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